19 May 2009 Letter
I totally called the new stake president. I knew it would be [C...] [T...] (Our new Stake President is our former Bishop).
This week went good. One of the guys I have been teaching we gave a baptismal date and he was way wishy washy about it. He didn't know if Joseph was a prophet or not. Last week we stopped by and asked how his prayers were going and he said good..... actually not at all. Then he told us he would have to pray if he wants to be baptized. Then later he is just more and more excited about it. He stood up in elders quorum and announced that he's getting baptized. We even got to move the date earlier because he is in the national guard and couldn't get baptized in June. We are very excited.
Transfers are coming up next week and I'll probably leave. That's all that's new.
Love E[...] M[...]
26 May 2009 Letter
Well, I'm getting transfered to Washington Terrace East in the South Ogden zone. My new companion is E[...] S[...] and he's only been out for 3 months. It will be fun to serve in a new area, but I will definitely miss Bountiful.
Last week we were tracting and ran into someone who knew J[...] S[...]. So we went to his house. He wasn't home so we went back later and caught him,. His family was having a family council which was just like back home. Arguing and all that fun. He played a song for us and it was amazing. It was "all of me." He even uses his forearms to smash the keys during some parts. He's amazing.
Love E[...] M[...]
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